JSON to CSV Desktop Converter


Use this desktop application to convert JSON to CSV and/or CSV to JSON. This application can load files from your local computer or load files from the world wide web.


JSON2CSV Converter

Convert JSON To CSV

Using our tool is simple

  • You must choose an input file as either a local file on your hard-drive or a web address.
  • Choose Input and Output settings
  • Press the Convert to CSV button

Click Anywhere in Box to Load Local File

Click your mouse in this area to choose a local file as input.

Load File from the Web

Enter a web address here that identifies the input file.

Settings- Input Options

Choose Json Array

This allows the user to either choose the First array, the Largest array, or specify a Key to use while converting. The application’s default value is the use the First array it finds. However, sometimes if this fails, it may be optimal to allow the program to convert based off the Largest array. For complex or deeply nested JSON, it is recommended to specify the JSON keyword or Key for which to base the conversion.

Json Lines Format

If your JSON file is using a JSON lines format, please select this option. More on Json Lines Format

Encoding Type

The default value of Auto-Detect should be used in almost all cases. If this does not work, please specify the encoding type of the JSON file.

Settings- Output Options

FileName and Folder

These parameters will allow you to choose the conversion filename and where to save the output file. You must have write access to the output directory to save the converted file, or the application will raise an error message.

Include Headers in CSV

This option is self explanatory; but will create a header row as first row of CSV file. Including headers is the default value

Suppress Line Breaks

This option will remove any carriage returns and line feeds from the data as it is written to the CSV file

Limit # of Lines

This option will only create the specified number of rows in the CSV file

Create XLSX Document

This option will create a .xlsx file as the output file.

Launch on Completion

This option is checked as the default; and will use the system default program to open the CSV file


CSV2JSON Converter

Convert CSV To JSON

Using our tool is simple

  • You must choose an input file as either a local file on your hard-drive or a web address.
  • Choose Input and Output settings
  • Press the Convert to JSON button

Click Anywhere in Box to Load Local File

Click your mouse in this area to choose a local file as input.

Load File from the Web

Enter a web address here that identifies the input file.

Conversion Input Options

Field Separator

Default setting is to auto-detect the field separator in the CSV file. However, you can explicitly set it with this option.

No Header Row in CSV

Use this option if the first row in the CSV file consists of values and not header names

Skip Number of Lines

This option will skip a set # of lines before beginning to read input from the CSV file

Auto-Detect Encoding Type

The default option is to auto-detect the CSV encoding type; However, you may specify a choice in the input box.

Conversion Output Options

FileName and Folder

These parameters will allow you to choose the conversion filename and where to save the output file. You must have write access to the output directory to save the converted file, or the application will raise an error message.

Limit # of Lines

This option will limit the total number of JSON lines that are written.

Use Pretty Format

Pretty format makes it easier to read the JSON structure in a text file for human consumption.

Generate JSON Arrays

JSON output will be written in an array of arrays structure; Each row of data will be in an Arra. Ex. [[a, b, c, 1, 2, 3], [d, e, f, 4, 5, 6]]

Generate Keyed JSON based on Column #

This option will create a JSON structure that uses Column # (position starting from 0) passed to it as the main key. This option will also allow you to type in the specific name of the column to use as the key. If the column name does not exist, the program will raise an error.

Fields to Include

This option allows you to specifically set which field columns to include. You can either specify the column number (starting at 1) or the field name based on the header. You can use a range with field numbers, i.e. 2-6 , which indicates fields 2 through 6. Default value is blank to include all fields.

Fields to Exclude

This option allows you to specifically set which field columns to exclude. The field list starts with 1. In the example below, we are excluding field 3,4, and 5. Default value is blank to not exclude any fields.

Launch File on Completion

This option will use the system default program to open the JSON file. If no default is set, it will not open. Try to open the resulting file with any text editor or notepad.