Use this tool to find and extract Phone numbers in web pages, data files, ...

What can this tool do?

  • Use this tool to extract Phone numbers from web pages and data files.
  • The output is 1 or more columns of the Phone numbers. You can see the output below or as an Excel file

What are my options?

  • Optionally input list of web pages to scan
  • You can choose the number of Phone Numbers per line (default 1)
  • You may choose the output delimiter if multi-column output or use comma (the default).
  • You can remove duplicate Phone Numbers.
  • You can sort the Phone Numbers.
  • Ignore phone numbers under a certain number of digits. See Output Options.
  • You can add a heading

See also Email Extractor     URL Extractor

Step 1: Select your input

Option 1 - Choose a file Encoding
Option 2 - Enter an URL
Option 3 - paste into Text Box below    
Ex: [0-9()-]+ Front and end slashes optional


Step 2: Choose output options (optional)

Output Options Output Field Separator:          

Step 3: Extract Phone Numbers


You can Save the complete data and settings, and then later Load them from your saved file.